Getting Started
This tutorial shows how to setup a Max for Live device to run JavaScript code. To follow along, you need Ableton Live Suite (which comes with Max for Live) or Live Standard edition with the Max for Live add-on. These tutorials were designed for Live 12, but things should mostly work the same in Live 11.
Later tutorials, such as the next one about "Real Time MIDI Processing", assume you can setup devices as explained here. Skip ahead if you already know how.
Selecting the Max device type
We create a new Max device by adding an empty Max device from the Live library, similar to adding any instrument, effect, or plug-in. Select "Max for Live" in the Live browser sidebar, and the empty Max devices will be listed first (highlighted in the following screenshot), followed by the ready-to-use Max devices:
There are three types of Max devices to choose from:
- Max Audio Effect
- Max Instrument
- Max MIDI Effect
In these tutorials, we will always use a Max MIDI Effect device. As explained in the overview's section on limitations, JavaScript is not suitable for synthesizing instruments or implementing effects.
Even though JavaScript isn't fast enough to directly implement instruments and effects, there may be reasons to put JavaScript in a Max Audio
Effect or Max Instrument device. For example, if complex logic is
needed to translate the state of the UI controls into parameters for the instrument/effect, it's conceivable that part of the logic could be done in JavaScript because UI events happen at a reasonably slow rate.
Regardless, I recommend using Max MIDI Effect devices for your JavaScript in Live projects until there is a good reason to use
another device type.
Creating a Max Device
Now that we've decided to use a Max MIDI Effect device, let's create a new one:
- Select "Max for Live" in the browser sidebar
- Drag a "Max MIDI Effect" device from that folder onto a MIDI track (or onto the empty "Drop Files and Devices Here"
space to create a new MIDI track)
- Click the edit button on the Max MIDI Effect device's title bar (it looks like this:
) and wait for the Max editor to open your device's patch:
- Cleanup by deleting the "MIDI from Live", "Build your MIDI effect here", "MIDI to Live", and "Device vertical limit" comments (if you have any trouble editing the patch, make sure you understand the Max patcher basics).
- Save the device patch.
We left the midiin
and midiout
objects there so MIDI
will pass through the device.
Creating a js
Max object
In the Max patch editor for our new device:
- Add an object to the Max patch (either drag an "Object" from the top toolbar or type "n" in an unlocked patch)
- Type
js {filename}.js
into the object box, where{filename}
is something descriptive for the patch, such as the name of the device: - Lock the patch (either click the lock icon in the lower left or type command+E/ctrl+E)
- Double click the
object to open Max's JavaScript editor - When the JavaScript editor window opens, save the file with the same
you typed into the object box. Save it in the same folder as the Max device. By default, the Save dialog should prefill the desired filename:
Testing it out
That's the basic device setup. Now, every time you save the code in Max's JavaScript editor, it will run it. Type this into the JavaScript editor and save:
post("Hello World!");
You should see "Hello World!" in the Max Console (you can open the console from the Max patch's right sidebar or in the "Window" menu):
The error "can't find file {filename}.js" happened when we first added the js
object to
the patch. js
looked for the given filename in the same folder as the device, but we
hadn't saved it yet, so it printed this error when we were setting things up.
That error should be fixed now. If you see "Hello World!" then it's working. As a sanity check, you can change the code and save it again:
post("Hello Live!");
Now it should print "Hello Live!" in the Max console. You should see it appear next to the first "Hello World!" message, like this:
js • Hello World! Hello Live!
Were you expecting "Hello Live!" to appear on its own line? Later we'll learn how to get more control over
how things are logged to the Max console. For now, be aware you can write code like
post("Hello Live!\n");
with an explicit "\n"
to print messages to their own line in the Max console.
Next steps
We're ready to build stuff! The next tutorial, "Real Time MIDI Processing", shows how to use JavaScript to alter MIDI notes as they are played.